GO AWAY. This blog is inactive. shoooo... I'm looking at you ayesha. SHOOOOO.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Well, its been like a week since..

..was alright, had a lot of fun and all..
everyone pulled the show together, despite the rain and fasting month and yeah.. other things..
RR ran our 'Bubble Burst' (which is a game, not a drink.. haha..) and 'Finger Football' (yes, also a game.. lol..) stall.. which, despite 'competition' ;P , put up a good fight and got quite good sales..
but hey.. reality check, aint it all for charity?
oh, and i ate Fiji food and drank a Cambodian smoothie..
so, yeah..

wet and busy..

haha.. and we saw a lot of this on the way home from the carnival..

Wohoo..that means free food.. BiG :)

lol.. bumped into Mealz on the way out when she was goin in.. long time no see.. looong time..

Oh, its because Damansara Indah is gona change its name to Tropicana Indah.. so its not lke were crashing the party or anything..

someone, to my horror, horned me when i was heading to church.. somewhere in PBD..
then i followed behind the lady to church..
Devotional thought shared by Cmdr Eddie..

RR went alright.. gave them exceptionally more push ups because Cmdr Horr Wai wasnt here.. guilt coming in a lil now..

but im proud of them, they're growing physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.. maturing and opening up more..

So, randomly..

Our new look, whoa..

I think i took this the day Chong Wei lost in the Olympics..


i need to get my assignments done..


kAh yun on September 10, 2008 at 4:57 PM said...

Wow..you drove to church? So fast?


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