GO AWAY. This blog is inactive. shoooo... I'm looking at you ayesha. SHOOOOO.....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Got a message from my cousin, Tania..
Brian, her brother, created the
WongFamilyTreeHouse website..
lol.. were goin online man..

its good, because having 7uncles, 7Aunties and..
what, 19 cousins? isnt easy to follow up with..

which makes me wonder what this is going to turn into..

CIMP Talent Night was just plain boring..
most of them were just unentertaining.. especially the one's we had most expectations in..
like the SIS Idol winners and the Stereostatics Project band..

Justin did great with his act.. really cool hip hop routine ending with a romantic suprise dance with his girl..

and Jowee was touching with her heart felt, self-composed song on the piano..

but my vote goes to the "Evolution of Dance" guy.. he got the moves AND the balls.. lol..

MDM presentation is finally over..
and it didnt go as bad as i thought it would..

see, we were suppose to do it on tuesday..
but we didnt pass up a copy of our slides to the teacher the day before..
so when we were in front and dressed up and ready to deliver....
he slots us in for thursday..

it went good though.. good enough..
managed to pull my act together...

i cant find my wire..
that means no photos..

gtg.. cant miss the bus, again..


Yang Safia on October 16, 2008 at 6:27 PM said...

su haaaaaaaan, nice to hear everything went well. bout the talent nite, i heard from my frends dat it sucked *shrugs* juz got back home, went yamcha wit my bestie juz now n somethin awesome happened. totally made my day. neways, check out my blog. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Wah... Didn't know u have a blog my brotha~ !


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