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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Factual Novels - Quicky on MJ's Death

The sudden death of Michael Jackson got me thinking...
Well, not really the death... more of the memorial service...

Personally, I don't really fancy the man...
Great artist and all, agreed.
But there's too much dirt on him for me..

But if you have been affected by this man as most claim, or just stayed up from 1-4am (Malaysian time) to watch people pay their last respects for the King of Pop, like i did (hey it was suppose to be greater than Elvis's or Princess Diana's funeral)... Here's a bit to chew on...

I saw 8000 people, most who did not know him personally, congregate to appreciate the life of one man.

These people did not know him. But they knew the life he lived. They only knew portions of Michael's story, and that compelled them to their standing ovations.

A song that connected to them
A charitable deed he did others couldn't
A tribulation he overcame that everyone witnessed as he lived his life in front of the lens

He lived his life in front of the camera. and everyone who watched was compelled.
His family, who undoubtedly most of what he went through in life, was obviously the most moved.

Now wait.
Take that thought. And manipulate.

1.How many more than the 8000 would gather if everyone knew his WHOLE story?
(Think everything we/they missed out: actions, words, thoughts, emotions, decisions and the motives behind each.)
2.If everyone watched your life to the detail as the above states, would as many come to your funeral as the answer to the first question? (i think everyone would be coming for everyone's funeral... absolution...)
3.(this maybe a little far fetched for some) Think of those who see your life as it is, God, angels, those in heaven or hell, Satan even... How they would laugh and cry, feel just as (or even more) compelled and moved as what we saw that night, or wait anticipatingly for each chapter to unfold... Fool's guess? or a glimpse of heaven, perhaps?

No, this isn't about the death of Michael Jackson.
Its about the story of our lives, the beautiful factual novel being penned down right now.


treycwong on July 9, 2009 at 1:14 PM said...

good post! check this too: http://roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/07/whats-driving-the-michael-jackson-mania/


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